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Monday, 10 February 2014

- Roomancer/Moove Dilema -

February 18, 2014:
Moove website (moove.com) is back online:
Roomancer-3D Owners can login.

We are extremely lucky!
All Genuine Users must be thankful to Lothar,
and to xMariannax, who did pull many strings in order to achive this.
(not the fake one: XXMariannaXX = Paine_US)

Roomancer-3D Owners have all the means and tools
for setting up your place safe, secure, and agreeable.
All information is published on this website.

Your 3D-Life in Roomancer is what you make of it.



February 10, 2014:

Roomancer/Moove Dilema.

The kingdom-Of-Light has informed moove.community.com Server:

Christian Mueller,

Several times about the situation/context on Moove website.
It is likely that other members did also.
At this time, moove.community.com Server is offline,
and matters are being taken care of.

As per what exactly will be the result
from this maintenance for adjustements, we have had no communication.


Well, as you all must know by now moove.com is now offline. Surprised???
Really, no one should be, it was inevitable.
But, lets just hope it really is a maintenance issue and nothing more.

Since there is nothing put across to suggest otherwise,
I would imagine it is just maintenance, but I could of course be wrong.

We have not been informed as to what the actual nature of the maintenance is likely to take. We did advise Lothar to close down the message boards. Because without monitoring, the boards had become a disgrace. Really guys, those videos that were posted were just not appropriate, minors do view those boards, we have had complaints, and most of what I saw, with titles, were just not appropriate. I just have to wonder where most of your minds are, because it was quite embarrassing. If we invite people to come to use Roomancer, what would they think of its inhabitants? Not very much, I can assure you.

Another point that is important about the boards, and those who were hijacking them, is that they would unblock to then post what they felt everyone should be reading. This is rather holding everyone to ransom, since the hijacker, under the cover of that shadow-panel, was making the decisions for all the community. He had no right to block the boards, and then come up with fasle reasons. Plus, the community should have voted for who they wanted on such an eventual panel. However, nothing that is voted for, on moove website, is fair or just because of the multiple Alts. Consequently, nobody is posting on any boards, simply because there are those few members (Trolls) who feel they can either make fun of, or bully them.

So, if Roomancer/Moove is to be no more, then really you only have yourselves to blame for this eventuality. We tried our best to keep things on an even keel, but many were just so big mouthed about any attempts, coupled with blocking the boards and being judgemental about any informative posts. To be honest guys, what did you all expect? That we would allow some members to continue to get away with that behaviour without talking about it? No way. Anyone trying to cajoul or bribe for membership is totally off course. It is just so unacceptable, we had to do something about it and we did. The community had been freed from the tyranny some of you inposed on others. Period.

Using Alts in themselves is not a problem, and this is what some of you who do use them, for your own ends, dont seem to understand. Using Alts to cause trouble amongst members is not acceptable: to break up couples, to spy on others, to drop bad files, to try and stop the average member from being using Roomancer and being left alone. The concept of 'alts' puts forward a person who is hiding. Most people hide to cause trouble. Many told us of their Alts, but we never divulged them, because they were not into mischief. Many said they were being bullied and harrassed, which was why they deleted their main accounts and created alts. We didn't tell a soul they were doing this, because they needed that privacy. The whole point of collecting IP's was to verify who those Alts were, to know who was who, and we got to know that first of all by those who tried to access our places using their alts. And their IP's were the same. So, there you have it, everyone is blind and prone to being lured without monitoring IP. No one is going to have those IP's, they are confidential. But, those who have used them for their own ends have been published, by default. If your up to mischief, you don't own your privacy, too bad!

I have seen everyone jump on newbies, or those they preceived to be newbies, newcomers don't stand a chance. Why not just leave them alone instead of praying on them? Or encourage them to ask rather than jumping on the bandwaggon of exploitation. No wonder any legitimate newbie left post haste! Why would anyone hang around for more of that?

Anyway, let's hope we are all back to being able to login our Roomancer and enjoy it. And that Lothar hasn't become so disillusioned to have removed it permanently. Because, if so, we loose it altogether. But, you know, it is high time everyone really thought about what they are doing, and why they are doing it. Because, this is a bit of a wake up call. If Lothar does bring moove.community.com Server back online, we are all very lucky indeed.

The Kingdom-Of-Light warned everyone of this, that this could indeed happen, over and over. Perhaps now we can suggest that everyone uses this 'pause' for a serious introspection. Truly, this needs to happen, reflect on your behaviour, and make changes so that Roomancer/Moove can be a pleasant experience for everybody, old and new.

We are asking for your patience,
We will be publishing any News as soon at they come out.

Best of luck Roomancer.

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