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Monday, 24 February 2014

- The Purge -


From Friday, February 7th., 2014 to Friday, February 20th., 2014:
Moove website (moove.com) went under cleansing: The Purge.

As you see clearly now; The Truth Prevails!

The Kingdom-Of-Light is upholding Roomancer/Moove
in the spirit that Lothar has set up in the first place.


To: All Genuine Roomancer Owners/Users
Zu: Alle ehrlich Roomancer Eigentümer/Benutzer 

Back online, Moove website (moove.com)
allows Roomancer-3D Owners to login,
and to connect (visit/host) via internet. 

Wieder online, Moove website (moove.com)
ermöglicht Roomancer-3D-Besitzer anmelden,
und über Internet verbinden (Besuch / Host).


We are extremely lucky! All Genuine Users must be thankful to Lothar,
and to xMariannax, who did pull many strings in order to achive this. 

Wir sind sehr glücklich! Alle echten Benutzer müssen dankbar sein, Lothar,
und xMariannax, sie hat eine Menge dazu beigetragen, Um dies zu achive.

We came very close to lose the possibility for login Roomancer
(via: moove.com), and to use its built-in Peer-to-Peer system! 

Wir kamen sehr nahe um die Möglichkeit zur Anmeldung zu verlieren
für die Protokollierung (logging Roomancer),
und der integrierten Peer-to-Peer-System verwenden!

During the previous months (from automn 2013),
The Kingdom-Of-Light knew about that,
and we did warn everyone several times that was about to come,
but nobody really paid attention. 

Während der vergangenen Monate (ab Herbst 2013),
Das Königreich-Des-Lichts wusste dass,
Und wir haben mehrere Male, dass zu kommen war warnen alle,
aber niemand beachtete.

(1) Lothar made Roomancer free and available to everybody.
(2) Lothar made the Community autonomous and independent.

And this is what the Kingdom-Of-Light is upholding.

(1) Lothar machte Roomancer kostenlos und für jedermann.
(2) Lothar machte die Gemeinschaft autonom und unabhängig.

Und das ist, was das Königreich-Of-Licht wird ermutigend. 

Roomancer-3D Owners have all the means and tools
for setting up your place safe, secure, and ageable.
All information is published on this website. 

Roomancer-3D-Besitzer haben alle Mittel und Werkzeuge
für die Einrichtung Ihren Platz sicher, sicher und angenehm.
Alle Informationen auf dieser Website veröffentlicht.

> Virtual Living < Text: 3- Virtual Community: "Just like a 3D Town". 

The Community (Roomancer Owners/Users) must come together,
just like a small town (virtual town), and support each other. 

Die Community (Roomancer Eigentümer/Benutzer) müssen zusammen kommen,
nur wie eine kleine Stadt (virtuelle Stadt), und unterstützen sich gegenseitig.

There will always be trouble-makers and trolls.
The Community must stick all together and ignore those,
so Griefers have no hold on anything and they will leave.

Es gibt immer Querulanten und Trolle.
Die Gemeinschaft muss alle zusammenhalten und ignorieren sie,
so dass Griefern haben keine Macht über nichts, Und sie gehen weg.

Report abuse (harassment) to:
Missbrauch melden
(Belästigung) zu:

> Strato AG: Christian Mueller (community.moove.com/cs)
Roomancer-3D Dedicated Server abuse-server@strato.de
or fax +49-30-88615-755

> Lothar Bongartz (Roomancer/Moove website)
Auckland, New Zealand

Lothar had no choice but to shut down the facility for logging,
for cleaning up Moove website (moove.com),
and for suspending (banish) the perpetrators.

Lothar hatte keine Wahl er hatte zum Herunterfahren
der Anlage für die Protokollierung (moove.com),
zur Reinigung Moove Website,
und zum Entfernen (verbannen) die Täter.

- shezarat:
(Her old ip/provider)
The account of the selected member has been suspended.
Ann Soldya can get more information at login.

Das Konto des gewählten Mitglieds wurde suspendiert.
Ann Soldya Weitere Informationen bei der Anmeldung bekommen.

- *AnubisDark* has been suspended.
The account of the selected member has been suspended.
*AnubisDark* can get more information at login.

- Aminboards has been suspended.
The account of the selected member has been suspended.
Aminboards can get more information at login.

- *AmylynnBlack* has been suspended.
The account of the selected member has been suspended.
*AmylynnBlack* can get more information at login.

- Fake Nickname Carl Dompierre~ has been suspended.
The account of the selected member has been suspended.
Carl Dompierre~ can get more information at login.

- Painne_US:
The account of the selected member has been suspended.
xReginax can get more information at login.

- holland Dude:
The account of the selected member has been suspended.
holland Dude can get more information at login.

- publicplace:
The selected member has been deleted and will be removed shortly.

- JimmyK, Browzer, Gimmi, tjletroll:
(the user who did try to extort $5000 from Members, Nov 2013)
The account of the selected member has been suspended.
Browzer can get more information at login.

As a Community,
Do not let the same situation happen!
Lock your doors, ignore trouble-makers and trolls. 

Als Gemeinschaft,
Lassen Sie sich nicht die gleiche Situation passieren!
Sperren Sie Ihre Türen, und Unruhestifter und Trolle ignorieren.

Lothar said (to the community):
"The moove community has to survive on its own",
"You are good and it is better to stay with the good". 

Lothar sagte (zu der Gemeinde):
"Die moove Gemeinde hat auf eigene überleben",
"Ihre sind gut und es ist besser, mit der guten bleiben".

For evil to triumph, It is only necessary that good people do nothing.
Damit das Böse triumphiert, reicht fehlendes Handeln guter Leute.

The KINGDOM-OF-LIGHT (Moove Group, Affiliate Partner)

In the spirit of Brotherhood.


Mmelaniemaus Website

Mmelaniemaus Website

xCateyx and CarlD.

xCateyx and CarlD.
Moove Artistic Photographer (Right-Click on Image).


Moove Artistic Photographer (Right-Click on image).


Moove Artistic Photographer (Right-Click on Image).


Moove Artistic Photographer (Right-Click on Image).


Moove Artistic Photographer (Right-Click on Image).


Moove Artistic Photographer (Right-Click on Image)

MiLady Marianna

MiLady Marianna
Right-Click on image (Nickpage)